Mon, 18 November 2013
Episode: 1.8 Title: Aurora Borealis Written by: Charles Rosin Directed by: Peter O'Fallon Aired: August 30, 1990 Plot Summary: The whole town is troubled by the full moon. Joel is stranded in the wilderness at night and encounters a surprising figure, while Chris finds a surprising connection with a visiting stranger from Portland. For more information, please visit our blog.
Mon, 11 November 2013
Episode: 1.7 Title: A Kodiak Moment Written by: Steve Wasserman and Jessica Klein Directed by: Max Tash Aired: August 23, 1990 Plot Summary: Maurice contemplates his own mortality, Holling is on the hunt for Jesse the Bear, and Maggie and Joel lead a childbirth class. For more information, please visit our blog.
Mon, 4 November 2013
Episode: 1.6 Title: "Sex, Lies and Ed's Tapes" Written by: Joshua Brand and John Falsey Directed by: Sandy Smolan Date Aired: August 16, 1990 Plot Summary: Shelly's hockey-playing husband makes a surprise visit, Rick thinks he might be the next victim of Maggie's curse, and Ed has writer's block. Show Notes: Elaine Miles talks about her dancing scene in Radiance Magazine here. As always, for more information and lots of episode pictures, visit our blog. Please like us on Facebook!
Mon, 28 October 2013
Episode: 1.5 Title: “Russian Flu” Written by: David Assael Directed by: David Carson Date Aired: August 9, 1990 Plot Summary: A mysterious flu takes over the whole town, while Joel tries to have a romantic weekend with his fiancé Elaine, who is visiting from New York. For more information and analysis, do visit our blog.
Mon, 21 October 2013
Episode: 1.4 Title: “Dreams, Schemes and Putting Greens” Written by: Sean Clark Directed by: Dan Lerner Date Aired: August 2, 1990 Plot Summary: Holling and Shelly decide to get married, while Maurice and Joel try to seal a business deal. For more information about the episode, be sure to visit our blog. We're also on Facebook!
Direct download: 1_4_Dreams_Schemes_and_Putting_Greens.mp3
Category:Season One -- posted at: 6:15pm PDT
Mon, 14 October 2013
In this episode of The Alaskan Riviera, we discuss the third episode of Northern Exposure. Episode: 1.3 Title: "Soapy Sanderson" Written by: Karen Hall (from a story by Karen Hall and Jerry Stahl) Directed by: Steve Cragg Date Aired: July 26, 1990 Plot Summary: Maggie and Joel are recipients of a generous inheritance, while Ed discovers the wonders of filmmaking.
Mon, 7 October 2013
In this episode of The Alaskan Riviera, we discuss the second episode of Northern Exposure. Episode: 1.2 Title: "Brains, Know-How and Native Intelligence" Written by: Stuart Stevens Directed by: Peter O'Fallon Date Aired: July 19, 1990 Plot Summary: Ed asks Joel to help his ailing uncle, while Chris is fired from his radio show because of an American poet. Meanwhile, Joel has plumbing trouble and has to ask for Maggie's help. Show Notes: Archived articles about Northern Exposure can be read at Moosechick's website, and "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd" by Walt Whitman can be read in its entirety from the Poetry Foundation.
Direct download: 1_2_Brains_Know_How_and_Native_Intelligence.mp3
Category:Season One -- posted at: 8:07pm PDT
Mon, 30 September 2013
In the premiere podcast episode of The Alaskan Riviera, we discuss the first episode of Northern Exposure. Episode: 1.1 Title: "The Pilot" Written by: Joshua Brand and John Falsey Directed by: Joshua Brand Date Aired: July 12, 1990 Plot Summary: Joel Fleischman, a doctor from New York, arrives in Alaska to fulfill his medical school financial obligation by working as a doctor in Anchorage, Alaska, for four years. However, upon arrival, he is quickly sent to the small town of Cicely, on the 'Alaskan Riviera'.