Mon, 16 June 2014
Episode: 3.20 Title: The Final Frontier Written by: Jeffrey Vlaming Directed by: Tom Moore Aired: April 27, 1992 Log line: Much to Holling's dismay Ed discovers that Jesse the bear has died; Japanese tourists infiltrate Cicely; a package that has traveled the world arrives in Cicely addressed to an unknown person. For more about the episode, visit our blog.
Mon, 2 June 2014
Episode: 3.19 Title: Wake Up Call Written by: Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider Directed by: Nick Marck Aired: March 23, 1992 Log line: The coming of spring brings love to Maggie, a new skin to Shelly and a reminder to Joel of the importance of blending compassion with his scientific knowledge. For more about the episode, visit our blog.
Sun, 1 June 2014
The Alaskan Riviera is interviewing Northern Exposure fans, and people who have been inspired to work on a project related to the show. This week, we are delighted to bring you an interview with the legendary Moosechick. Here are her websites: Moosechick Notes - The Northern Exposure Archive Check out Moosechick's answers to our Northern Exposure questionnaire on our blog.